Quality confirmation

All production processes have been adapted to the highest international norms and standards, as evidenced by the certificates awarded.
Our assumption is to provide only fresh, natural and high-quality products.

- we introduced and certified the HACCP system - in order to ensure even better quality of our products in the central warehouse
- we have implemented the EUREPG.A.P. System. (now GLOBALG.A.P.) and obtained certification
- we have obtained a certificate PN EN ISO 22000:2006
- we received the GLOBALG.A.P Certificate. for the Group of Producers: Grzybek Łosicki, Cooperative "Grzybek Łosicki"
- we have obtained the EuroCertificate, which confirms the quality of the Cooperative's services
- we have implemented the International Food Standard (IFS) meeting the requirements at a higher level in the field of acceptance, cooling, cutting, packaging, storage and distribution of fresh champignons
- we have recertified the GLOBALG.A.P Certificate. for the Group of Producers: Grzybek Łosicki
we extended the International Food Standard (IFS) at a higher level
we recertified GLOBALG.A.P. for the Group of Producers: Grzybek Łosicki
Certificate history
Maintaining the highest standards and quality is confirmed by subsequent audits and periodically renewed certifications.

On the website www.EuroCertyfikat.pl you can read about the idea of the certificate:
Every entrepreneur wants to be credible on the market. It doesn’t matter if he is a manufacturer, retailer or supplier; representative of large or small business. Every business entity in the free market conditions strives to confirm its credibility and reliability. We decided to meet your expectations and honor reliable entrepreneurs by presenting them with EuroCertificates. Having this distinction is a signal to other entities that they are dealing with responsible, important partners on the market. After successfully passing a three-stage assessment carried out by specialists in the field of law, management and accounting, the company can say that it is credible and reliable. On the other hand, its partners and cooperators gain a guarantee of the honesty of the prize-winners.
The idea behind the EuroCertificate Competition and the European Quality Promotion Program is to PROMOTE the best companies, institutions, offices, products, services and management staff on the Polish market that meet the highest European standards both in terms of organization and management, as well as participation in EU aid programs and absorption of EU funds. The main target group of activities carried out by the Organizers is the segment of both small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises, as well as institutions operating in accordance with applicable law.

The IFS standard was developed by representatives of German and French retailers in cooperation with retailers from other countries.
IFS sets requirements for a food safety management system for food producers and suppliers and defines the principles of auditing. It is a system combining the principles of GHP (Good Hygienic Practice) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and HACCP requirements (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points Checkpoints) with elements of the management system. Having a certified system according to IFS is a requirement for delivering products, e.g. to German and French as well as other international retail chains.
Having a food safety management system based on the IFS standard:
guarantees compliance with EU legal requirements in the field of food safety, gives an international, widely recognized certificate in Poland, Europe and the world, improves competitiveness by obtaining proof of the production of safe, high-quality products,
increases the trust of contractors, customers, suppliers and control units for whom the safety and quality of products is the most important, opens the way to cooperation with retail chains, ensures continuous improvement of the company.

An independent, voluntary food safety assurance system for primary agricultural production.
GLOBALG.A.P. is an independent, voluntary food safety system for primary agricultural production. This standard, originally called EUREPG.A.P., was created in 1997 as an initiative of the retail network working group associated in the EUREP organization (Euro-Retailer Produce Working Group). Its purpose was to develop common procedures and a uniform standard for Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) and to ensure food safety.
The main initiators of this system were supermarket chains, and it was created in cooperation with scientists, farmers and producers of means of production. The main reason for the creation of this system was to minimize the risk of trading in “contaminated food” and to take care of the health of the consumer already during food production, while taking care of the environment and the health and well-being of employees. The system has a global reach – members of the organization come from Europe, Australia and Oceania, Asia, Africa and North and South America. GLOBALG.A.P. sets minimum production standards in order to obtain high-quality primary products, such as fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, etc.
Implementation and certification of the GLOBALGAP system guarantees:
high quality and health safety of the product, obtaining proof of compliance of the production process with international standards, which makes it easier to compete on the market,
reduction of production costs, which is related to the optimization of production processes, i.e. increasing the efficiency of the use of natural resources, reducing the consumption of plant protection products used, minimizing the harmful impact on the environment by using various types of reclamation techniques and nature protection.

ISO 22000
ISO 22000 (Food Safety Management System)
On September 1, 2005, the ISO 22000 standard was published – a new International Standard designed with food safety in mind throughout the entire supply chain.
The Food Safety Management System is a requirement for every organization involved in the food chain. It introduces a unified and globally harmonized standard in the field of food safety and hygiene. This standard combines the features of the HACCP system and ISO 9001.
The benefits of having a functioning ISO 22000 food safety assurance system include:
meeting the requirements of Polish law in the field of food safety, organization of production,
transparency of documentation, clear responsibilities of individual employees.
On the other hand, the benefits of having the certificate include prestige and confirmation of the safety of food products introduced to the market.

HACCP (ang. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points)
HACCP (ang. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points). The abbreviation HACCP comes from the English term, which translates as Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points.
HACCP – is a food safety assurance system. It consists in effective control of the critical points of a given process, determined on the basis of a risk analysis. The HACCP system assumes that potential hazards and irregularities will be identified before or during the processing process always on time, so as to minimize the risk of danger. Preventing problems before they occur is the primary goal of the method and the HACCP system based on it. The HACCP system is based on prevention rather than post-factual control and is therefore closely related to the ISO 9000 series of standards.